The Center “ECOTERRA” was founded in 1993. The intention of the founders of the Company was to provide a modern, high quality level of applied environmental research and expert assessment activities in the post-Soviet economic conditions.
ECOTERRA offers support services to governmental, non-governmental, and commercial organizations in understanding and solving environmental protection and information problems. Our scientists and engineers offer unique analysis and decision support in the fields of environmental protection, control and optimization of natural resources use, environmental-economic studies, geography, soils science, and agriculture. We also offer assistance in understanding and developing environmental standards and guidelines, continuous activities such as environmental monitoring, and secondary educational activities. We primarily offer collaboration and services to Clients who are planning and executing projects in Russia, but we are also willing to realize various projects abroad.
The success of our activities is achieved by wide cooperation with Moscow State University expert researchers, the scientific technological business-park of the Moscow State University, and governmental and industrial organizations. In accordance with its status as non-governmental non-profit organization, ECOTERRA aims to support the work of partner institutions working closely with ECOTERRA activities such as environmental research, training, education and publishing. We welcome any grants, loans and subsidies to support the development of our activities.